9 research outputs found

    Coordinated task manipulation by nonholonomic mobile robots

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    Coordinated task manipulation by a group of autonomous mobile robots has received signicant research effort in the last decade. Previous studies in the area revealed that one of the main problems in the area is to avoid the collisions of the robots with obstacles as well as with other members of the group. Another problem is to come up with a model for successful task manipulation. Signicant research effort has accumulated on the denition of forces to generate reference trajectories for each autonomous mobile robots engaged in coordinated behavior. If the mobile robots are nonholonomic, this approach fails to guarantee successful manipulation of the task since the so-generated reference trajectories might not satisfy the nonholonomic constraint. In this work, we introduce a novel coordinated task manipulation model inclusive of an online collision avoidance algorithm. The reference trajectory for each autonomous nonholonomic mobile robot is generated online in terms of linear and angular velocity references for the robot; hence these references automatically satisfy the nonholonomic constraint. The generated reference velocities inevitably depend on the nature of the specied coordinated task. Several coordinated task examples, on the basis of a generic task, have been presented and the proposed model is veried through simulations

    Modelling and control of the coordinated motion of a group of autonomous mobile robots

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    The coordinated motion of a group of autonomous mobile robots for the achievement of a coordinated task has received signifcant research interest in the last decade. Avoiding the collisions of the robots with the obstacles and other members of the group is one of the main problems in the area as previous studies have revealed. Substantial amount of research effort has been concentrated on defning virtual forces that will yield reference trajectories for a group of autonomous mobile robots engaged in coordinated behavior. If the mobile robots are nonholonomic, this approach fails to guarantee coordinated motion since the nonholonomic constraint blocks sideway motions. Two novel approaches to the problem of modeling coordinated motion of a group of autonomous nonholonomic mobile robots inclusive of a new collision avoidance scheme are developed in this thesis. In the first approach, a novel coordination method for a group of autonomous nonholonomic mobile robots is developed by the introduction of a virtual reference system, which in turn implies online collision-free trajectories and consists of virtual mass-spring-damper units. In the latter, online generation of reference trajectories for the robots is enabled in terms of their linear and angular velocities. Moreover, a novel collision avoidance algorithm, that updates the velocities of the robots when a collision is predicted, is developed in both of the proposed models. Along with the presentation of several coordinated task examples, the proposed models are verifed via simulations. Experiments were conducted to verify the performance of the collision avoidance algorithm

    Çok gövdeli sistemlerde hareket analizi

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    Çok göovdeli sistemlerin hareket analizi son yıllarda önemli bir araştırma konusu haline gelmiştir. Bunun sebebi performans analizi, otomatik güvenlik ve izleme sistemlerinin gerçeklenmesi, gerçekçi insan-makine arayüzlerinin oluşturulması, içerik tabanlı imge depolanması ve erişimi gibi motive edici uygulama alanlarının varlığıdır. Bu alanda çok sayıda çalışma yayınlanmış olsa da bu araştırmanın henüz geliştirilebilecek yönleri vardır. Bu çalışmada, çok gövdeli bir sistemin hareketini, sistemi her biri birer robotik kol şeklindeki çok sayıda alt sisteme ayrıştırarak incelemeyi öneriyoruz. Çok gövdeli bir sistemin hareketini tanımak için her bir robotik kolun eklemlerinden gelecek algılayıcı bilgisini, yani eklem açılarını kullanıyoruz. Önerilen yöntem herbir ayrıştırılmış parçanın periyodik hareketini analiz etmek için eklem açılarının birbirine göre çizdirilmesiyle elde edilen imza eğrilerini kullanmaktadır. Akt¨or ayırt etme ve aksaklık tesbiti örnekleri sunulmuş ve önerilen yöntem benzetimlerle doğrulanmıştır

    Coordinated Motion of Autonomous Mobile Robots Using Nonholonomic Reference Trajectories

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    Modeling coordinated motion of a group of autonomous mobile robots has received significant research interest in the last decade. Previous studies have revealed that avoiding collisions with obstacles and other robots is one of the main problems in the area. Considerable amount of research effort has been concentrated on the definition of virtual forces for the generation of reference trajectories for a group of autonomous mobile robots engaged in coordinated behavior. If the mobile robots are nonholonomic, this approach fails to guarantee regulation of the tracking errors since the reference trajectories might not satisfy the nonholonomic constraint. In this work, we introduce a novel coordinated motion model inclusive of a new online collision avoidance algorithm. The proposed model enables online generation of reference trajectories for coordination among a group of autonomous nonholonomic mobile robots in terms of their linear and angular velocities; hence the reference trajectory automatically satisfies the nonholonomic constraint. Several coordinated task examples have been presented and the proposed model is verified through simulations

    A novel algorithm for the coordination of multiple mobile robots

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    The coordinated motion of a group of autonomous mobile robots performing a coordinated task has been of high interest in the last decade. Previous research has shown that one of the main problems in the area is to avoid collisions of the robots with obstacles and other members of the group. In this work, we develop a novel coordination scheme along with a new online collision avoidance algorithm. In the proposed algorithm, reference trajectories for a group of autonomous mobile robots are generated in terms of linear and angular velocities of the robots. Several coordinated tasks have been presented and the results are verified by simulations

    Coordinated motion of autonomous mobile robots using nonholonomic reference trajectories

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    Modeling coordinated motion of a group of autonomous mobile robots has received significant research interest in the last decade. Previous studies have revealed that avoiding collisions with obstacles and other robots is one of the main problems in the area. Considerable amount of research effort has been concentrated on the definition of virtual forces for the generation of reference trajectories for a group of autonomous mobile robots engaged in coordinated behavior. If the mobile robots are nonholonomic, this approach fails to guarantee regulation of the tracking errors since the reference trajectories might not satisfy the nonholonomic constraint. In this work, we introduce a novel coordinated motion model inclusive of a new online collision avoidance algorithm. The proposed model enables online generation of reference trajectories for coordination among a group of autonomous nonholonomic mobile robots in terms of their linear and angular velocities; hence the reference trajectory automatically satisfies the nonholonomic constraint. Several coordinated task examples have been presented and the proposed model is verified through simulations